Jay Kabadi shared a post  
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Personal Question:
Do you ever get the strange, nagging feeling that something BIG is just around the corner - the sense that something that could CHANGE THE COURSE OF YOUR LIFE is hiding just barely out of view?.. OR, have you ever felt like SOMETHING was nudging you in a particular direction?... NOW, have you ever felt any of that, and immediately drawn back in fear and uncertainty, convincing yourself to just stay where you are, try to be "okay" with things as they currently are, and not hope for something that "probably will never happen for me anyway"...? Well, ME TOO!

Life is hard, and sometimes - MANY times, in my personal experience - it has a way of beating me into submission, draining me of any hope for ever realizing whatever that big SOMETHING hiding just around the corner actually is... or being able to see just HOW CLOSE it is! BUT... I'm choosing to fight back, daring to hope and EXPECT that life has bigger things waiting for me just beyond my current view. And I'm EXCITED!!!

We are SO CLOSE, CryptoLand Community, and I intend to continue riding this current wave of positivity, optimism, and hope, to which the Viking has charged us all! I hope you'll join me too! Long live, CryCor!