CryptoLand Community,
Over the past 18 months, players have enjoyed the unique opportunity to earn eCRYPTO through gameplay while listing their Digital Game Pieces (DGPs) on the secondary market. This dual option has allowed players to earn rewards and trade DGPs freely.
To maintain a fair and balanced ecosystem, we’re making an adjustment to this feature.
We are implementing an important update regarding the interaction between in-game actions and sell offers on the XRP Ledger. Due to the XRPL’s structure, sell offers cannot be automatically canceled once initiated. To ensure fair gameplay and reward distribution, the following guidelines will take effect after a 7-day grace period:
1. Rewards Eligibility and Sell Offers: Any DGP with an active sell offer that is engaged in any in-game action will no longer be eligible for rewards. If a DGP is active and a sell offer is initiated on the XRP Ledger before the in-game action period concludes, any rewards associated with that gameplay will be automatically forfeited. A DGP with an active sell offer can no longer be played.
2. Grace Period for current Sell Offers: Players who currently have DGPs active in an action will have a seven-day grace period. If the sell offer is canceled within this window, the DGP will retain eligibility for rewards and gameplay. However, if the sell offer remains active beyond the seven-day period, the forfeit rule will apply, and the DGP will become ineligible for rewards tied to in-game actions.
This policy establishes a clear separation between selling actions and in-game rewards. After the grace period, any DGP with an active sell offer will not be eligible for in-game actions or rewards.
Thank you for your cooperation as we implement these changes to support a balanced and equitable CryptoLand experience.
- CryptoLand Team