I’m freaking Lit right now. Tell me how we got the least contributors to the LP and we have the Top Liquidity Pool on XRPL? Thats what a level base set table gets you. King Pie set the table for everyone to have a level base within the CL Liquidity Pool, And all I hear is the people keep crying about is price going down. The deaf dumb and blind have been manipulated for years by only focusing on price. Drop the KoolAid 🫠
The Results are In…CryptoLand getting to the point where it’s pretty Fucking Over 🐳🧹🧹


For Adult Whales Only. Your results may vary.


Large withdrawals from the CL Liquidity Pool is akin to playing CryptoLand like an Atlanta Falcon
You were soo close, and there’s an assload of time on the clock. LMFAO


There is no reason to be sitting on CRYPTO in your wallet. Since we are in Liquidity Pools this point cannot be emphasized enough. If you look from the top down this keeps whales from accumulating a bunch of CRYPTO to dump on the community and create chart gyrations that stirs the pot and makes people nervous when it’s just a few bad actors causing chaos. Once you get comfortable with knowing the table has been base set in CryptoLand sit down shut up and stake and accumulate your position. Every action is recorded and immutable on the blockchain. Every decision you make you have to live with and every decision comes with its own set of consequences. There’s absolutely no reason to have CRYPTO sitting in wallets. This also keeps account of circulating supply in tact and properly recorded. As a result we get accurate information on the price chart and tokenomics displayed.

As a builder its about making a clean marketplace. Respectable Builders ensure the table is base set clean. Price does NOT matter!! Its about making a clean marketplace. That is The Goal.

Why dim the light on the most incentivized chart on the XRPL🪄♟️


Why dim the light on the most incentivized chart on the XRPL🪄♟️


Why dim the light on the most incentivized chart on the XRPL🪄♟️


Why dim the light on the most incentivized chart on the XRPL🪄♟️


Cryptopians of CryptoLand,

Every dawn in CryptoLand heralds a moment of decision, one that shapes your path and impacts the delicate balance of the Bank of CryptoLand. As you rise each day, you face a simple yet powerful choice: will you “be Noble”, faithfully depositing into the Bank and securing your future? Or will you “be a Miner”, daring to swap your CRYPTO in pursuit of immediate gains, accepting the cooldown that follows?

This is a game of “daily choices”—and inaction or a failure to make a choice is not a path you may walk. Delaying your decision or attempting to avoid the choice altogether is a disruption to the balance I have built. From now on, as per the Banking Game mechanics, failing to act will be counted as a denial of your withdrawal. Each day, you must make your choice: “Noble” or “Miner”.

The mechanisms of the Bank exist for your growth, ensuring fairness, balance, and opportunity. Consult the game guide for the wisdom of the ages, and remember, the course of your future is forged by the decisions you make today.

Choose wisely,
-The Architect