Happy Monday CL, what will this new week hold?

#cryptoland #socialshari #cryptocorey

Good Afternoon, CL Family!

Now I'm buying Cryptoland and Avater from my downline and onXRP Market. Total 300 plus land and Avater will be mine . I will become richest person on cryptoland very soon. 🔥🔥🔥👁️ My Target is 1000 plus . Let's see

The project King Pie participated in which contributed to me initiating the CL LP with substantial liquidity took 5 years before investors seen any ROI. 🚨5 years for ROI🚨
CryptoLand is no different than any other small business venture with 90%+ failure rate. However, we have much progression from this being just an idea some guy in a garage dreamed of on a Tuesday afternoon.
Shut Up, do pushups and enjoy the ride, when it’s built correctly the world will come to realize XRPL DeFi is setting Standards.

If you need your hand held like an infant then Crypto is not for you. If you want to build anything you have to be a Subject Matter Expert on the task at hand. Thus far you have offered nothing of substance in the thread. Therefore, there is nothing built around what you have contributed. Smirky complaints are just having you look like an amateur out here in these Crypto streets. Show me results reflected in some chart or a record of what you have offered this multi faceted platform and I will shut my mouth If you can show where you have created any winners from your directives.

Until then HODL which includes continuing your last directives. Log In, stake, Contribute to the LP, play the game.

There is at least 11K CRYPTO in the open market for you to purchase and inject into the LP. We don’t need withdrawals to contribute to the LP. I have Not withdrawn from CL one time. Yet we have a notable LP status on XRPL. Challenge your perception of what you really bring to the market versus what you’re expecting to take from the market♟️

Excited for CL future, keys,loot boxs, potions crystals and Enhancements.

Neglecting the community in play-to-earn games is a grave error When developers fail to prioritize community building, players feel disconnected and disengaged. This lack of connection leads to decreased player retention, diminished interest, and ultimately, the failure of the game.

🌟🌟Has there been any update from the CL Team on how much needs to be deposited in liquidity pool to enable daily withdrawals?How will the team know that I have made a deposit, or do I need to share proof of the deposit?"Many people being flagged for various reasons, and some of my team members still have flagged accounts. I want to know how long it will take to resolve these issues. Iam asking if anyone from the CL Team could you kindly provide an answer🌟🌟

It’s sooo freaking OVER🔥
King Pie is continuing to King on CL ♟️


Good night friends