I have come to understand that we need Millions of CRYPTO in the LP before we can have a LP that is seen as an ocean rather than a Lake. Lakes are not large enough for a economy of over 3,000 users to survive on cycle after cycle. Plebs will be Plebs and whine that they invested 1k-10kUSD in a crypto. However, Plebs should also know that you should expect to lose all your money in any ground level investment. Honestly, 1k-10k USD is peanut money will not create any long lasting business model. CryptoLand has NOT lost any investor capital. CryptoLand does require continuous investor capital to survive. I have been labeled King Pie by the community because I seen the need to initiate the LP and fund the LP. I seen an opportunity to get all the cheap open market CRYPTO available at the lowest levels from .69cents. Moreover, I was announcing to the community what my actions were and also attempted to educate the community on what a DEX/AMM was in context. The fact that I remained essentially alone during the cheapest CRYPTO buy venture had me bewildered. Because I understood the situation and acted I took an action that benefited myself and the community at large. For it is King Pie and few select investors that gives you the inspiration to lip off at the mouth about what Crypto Corey actions are in relation to dictating monetary policy for the entire ecosystem. What words would you be able to spit from your lips if it were not from the effort of King Pie to show you price discovery of the CRYPTO token? We have yet to see new price discovery since King Pie set the standard twice since the low .69cent to 60XRP and lately 48XRP and below. I am but an investor as well as any of YOU. SO when does King Pie get to withdraw and take profits for not only investing in CL but also educating the entire freak show community on what the Hell is even going on here? When does King Pie get to withdraw for starting a YouTube channel to further educate the public on the many aspects of CL?!! I swear this clown show cracks me up. LMFAO.

Finally: Plebs Will remain Plebs

Alka Verma shared a post  
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Started investing withdrawal in LP 🌊😀

Alka Verma shared a post  
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Good Morning to all🙏

Crypto World shared a post  
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Today marks the last day the Bank of CryptoLand will be open to non-customers. Hundreds of Miners and Soldiers arrived this morning as soon as the bank opened, but only a select group of Nobles made deposits while the rest fled hastily after withdrawing their precious Cryptopium tokens.

Use today’s Cryptopium tokens wisely, as the Knight’s guard army will be surrounding the bank, demanding certificates of deposit for entry. The fate of many hinges on these tokens, as the kingdom braces for a period of financial stability and stricter regulation.

- The Architect

DHARMENDRA DAS shared a post  
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The Bank of CryptoLand is closed until it appears on the game screens. You will need LP tokens to withdraw from the Bank when it opens. The minimum amount required will be posted soon. For those who have only been swapping your CRYPTO for XRP, you will see that you have made a grave mistake in this game.

The Bank of CryptoLand is closed until it appears on the game screens. You will need LP tokens to withdraw from the Bank when it opens. The minimum amount required will be posted soon. For those who have only been swapping your CRYPTO for XRP, you will see that you have made a grave mistake in this game.

Again bank of cryptoland close

Sir when withdrawal will start pls give information

Good evening all friends

I'm unable to add liquidity what to do please guide
