It's about staying committed to the task at hand. It's about continuing down the path and doing things today that you said you would do years ago. It's about not letting distractions stop you from achieving your ultimate goals. Shiny object syndrome is real. Don’t let it happen to you.


On the second day of the raid at Bloodstone Crypts, Sir Alaric discovered the fifth scroll, detailing Tier 5 banking withdrawal imits. Every Bank Rank had increased once again.

- The Architect


Equipping the new chest armor and the radiant shield, Sir Alaric Thorne felt an invigorating surge of power and protection. He discarded his trusty Legendary bolas, recognizing that these new items would be crucial for the challenges ahead. With his spirit high and his gear improved, he set his sights on the ominous Bloodstone Crypts.

This ancient and perilous dungeon, rumored to be filled with dark magic and fearsome creatures, would test his skills and resolve like never before. Yet, driven by the tales of legendary treasures and the whispers of an artifact capable of altering the fate of kingdoms, Sir Alaric was determined to conquer the crypts and further cement his legacy as a legendary knight.

- The Architect

The General shared a post  
1 d

3 d

On the final day of the raid, Sir Alaric uncovered a fourth scroll, its rusty metal handles gleaming dully in the cold light. With this discovery, withdrawal limits increased once more, even for the Page-Clerk ranks. Sir Alaric realized that everyone in the Kingdom benefited as the Bank of CryptoLand progressed through its tiers. Whispers in the wind told him, "10 tiers."

- The Architect


After a successful, yet exhausting five-day raid at Frostviel Citadel, Knight Sir Alaric Thorne was rewarded with his hard-earned loot boxes. One was uncommon, and the other was unique. To his surprise, the uncommon box contained a chest piece that perfectly matched his boots. In the unique box, he discovered a shiny, unparalleled shield for his off-hand, gleaming with a brilliance that signified its rarity. These rewards not only enhanced his defense but also served as a testament to his victory and perseverance.

Do you equip the chest armor and the new shield in your off-hand?

Yes, I want to equip both new items.
No, only equip the chest armor & keep bolas in off-hand.
55 Total votes
Crypto Corey shared a post  
3 d


3 d

On the final day of the raid, Sir Alaric uncovered a fourth scroll, its rusty metal handles gleaming dully in the cold light. With this discovery, withdrawal limits increased once more, even for the Page-Clerk ranks. Sir Alaric realized that everyone in the Kingdom benefited as the Bank of CryptoLand progressed through its tiers. Whispers in the wind told him, "10 tiers."

- The Architect


On the final day of the raid, Sir Alaric uncovered a fourth scroll, its rusty metal handles gleaming dully in the cold light. With this discovery, withdrawal limits increased once more, even for the Page-Clerk ranks. Sir Alaric realized that everyone in the Kingdom benefited as the Bank of CryptoLand progressed through its tiers. Whispers in the wind told him, "10 tiers."

- The Architect

The General shared a post  
3 d

3 d

On the fourth day of the raid at Frostviel Citadel, Knight Sir Alaric Thorne discovered an uncommon box lying open amid the debris. Inside, he found the 3rd tier scroll, distinguished by its bone handles. As he carefully unrolled it, the scroll revealed yet another increase in withdrawal limits, further enhancing the Bank of CryptoLand’s scalability. With this new information, the bigger picture of CryptoLand's financial strategy begins to crystallize, showcasing the meticulous planning and foresight I had envisioned. This scroll is another crucial piece in securing the kingdom's economic future.

- The Architect


On the fourth day of the raid at Frostviel Citadel, Knight Sir Alaric Thorne discovered an uncommon box lying open amid the debris. Inside, he found the 3rd tier scroll, distinguished by its bone handles. As he carefully unrolled it, the scroll revealed yet another increase in withdrawal limits, further enhancing the Bank of CryptoLand’s scalability. With this new information, the bigger picture of CryptoLand's financial strategy begins to crystallize, showcasing the meticulous planning and foresight I had envisioned. This scroll is another crucial piece in securing the kingdom's economic future.

- The Architect


The Forge is beginning to warm up... ready your Blacksmiths for their upcoming secondary tasks ⚒️
