Roshan Hospet shared a post  
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Today marks the last day the Bank of CryptoLand will be open to non-customers. Hundreds of Miners and Soldiers arrived this morning as soon as the bank opened, but only a select group of Nobles made deposits while the rest fled hastily after withdrawing their precious Cryptopium tokens.

Use today’s Cryptopium tokens wisely, as the Knight’s guard army will be surrounding the bank, demanding certificates of deposit for entry. The fate of many hinges on these tokens, as the kingdom braces for a period of financial stability and stricter regulation.

- The Architect

Have a blessed day ahead, CL family!

Friends, I feel extremely happy & proud to see many CL members parking their withdrawals in the LP. This not only benefit us, but it gives confidence to external investors to participate in the LP, Gameplay, etc. Keep pouring into the LP & let us all align with our Corey brothers vision to make our CL community the best community in the Crypto world.

Good Morning to all🙏

Crypto World shared a post  
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9 w

Today marks the last day the Bank of CryptoLand will be open to non-customers. Hundreds of Miners and Soldiers arrived this morning as soon as the bank opened, but only a select group of Nobles made deposits while the rest fled hastily after withdrawing their precious Cryptopium tokens.

Use today’s Cryptopium tokens wisely, as the Knight’s guard army will be surrounding the bank, demanding certificates of deposit for entry. The fate of many hinges on these tokens, as the kingdom braces for a period of financial stability and stricter regulation.

- The Architect

Started investing withdrawal in LP 🌊😀

DHARMENDRA DAS shared a post  
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Today marks the last day the Bank of CryptoLand will be open to non-customers. Hundreds of Miners and Soldiers arrived this morning as soon as the bank opened, but only a select group of Nobles made deposits while the rest fled hastily after withdrawing their precious Cryptopium tokens.

Use today’s Cryptopium tokens wisely, as the Knight’s guard army will be surrounding the bank, demanding certificates of deposit for entry. The fate of many hinges on these tokens, as the kingdom braces for a period of financial stability and stricter regulation.

- The Architect

Noble Banker shared a post  
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9 w

Today marks the last day the Bank of CryptoLand will be open to non-customers. Hundreds of Miners and Soldiers arrived this morning as soon as the bank opened, but only a select group of Nobles made deposits while the rest fled hastily after withdrawing their precious Cryptopium tokens.

Use today’s Cryptopium tokens wisely, as the Knight’s guard army will be surrounding the bank, demanding certificates of deposit for entry. The fate of many hinges on these tokens, as the kingdom braces for a period of financial stability and stricter regulation.

- The Architect

Morning started with investing in Lp

Crypto Corey shared a post  
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9 w

Today marks the last day the Bank of CryptoLand will be open to non-customers. Hundreds of Miners and Soldiers arrived this morning as soon as the bank opened, but only a select group of Nobles made deposits while the rest fled hastily after withdrawing their precious Cryptopium tokens.

Use today’s Cryptopium tokens wisely, as the Knight’s guard army will be surrounding the bank, demanding certificates of deposit for entry. The fate of many hinges on these tokens, as the kingdom braces for a period of financial stability and stricter regulation.

- The Architect