ETH has tenure in Pool maturity and L2 development. There lay the opportunity for exponential gains to your portfolio on XRPL. Find a Utility Token with strong fundamentals and community backing and you are now creating The Sauce. Again, we need to see 20+ Million USD in the LP before anyone is impressed.
Imagine what happens when Uniswap investors start to look for better ROI in other undervalued networks🪄💰

Jay Prakash shared a post  
8 w

9 w

I want to extend a big thank you to the Sologenic Support team for their assistance over the past 24 hours. I'm pleased to announce that our logo on the CRYPTO pool has been successfully updated.

Let the real games begin!👽🏰⚔️🛡️


Top XRPL Pools…oh but what they don’t know🪄🦄


500k mkt cap is peanuts in Crypto sector. Utility GameFi can reach Billions in mkt cap during Bull cycles. The real show is not here yet🎩🍿


AMM pool is huge for us..
Thanks for your vision Crypto Corey

This crypto will cross BTC price ONE DAY - Aameen - finger cross

My humble request to community, please do not sell one crypto less than 100 XRP. Think 10 times before bid cryptoland increases price of @3000 XRP for one DGP. We as community pls sell who have patience above one crypto @250 XRP if anyone wants to sell early please bid @100 XRP. In the interest of community, my personal view🙏

Buenos dias comunidad! Espero tengan un excelente dia! Crypto Corey alguna novedad acerca de los retiros de CRIPTO? Han pasado mas de 7 dias 🙏🏻

Hello everyone, can anyone have info on by when the internal audit finished, so the withdrawals start

HERCULES shared a post  
9 w

@everyone Brother where I can find sell order. Little bit confusing. And did anyone have youtub Chanel about how to sell crypto . latest information to learn about cryptoland Market place. I know how to play game only confusing about selling crypto and our market place I want to learn. If I withdraw everyday 3 crypto and hold in wallet I can sell anytime all together right?

11 w

**** Tips to increase Crypto price ****
1. Always place sell order = Bid price + 10xrp.
Example: if Bid for 1 crypto is 30xrp, punch ur sell order as 30+10= 40xrp per crypto. Never ever compromise on this rule if u wish to make healthy returns.
2. Remember, we are early adopters so we are future whales in the making. We need to drive the price & not settle what buyer wants to pay. Don’t be a shrimp.
This clearly happened today when price hit 50xrp, people sold as per the Bid rate & price dipped to 20xrp in just 2 hours.
3. As King Pie mentioned earlier, our token will hit triple digit soon so please don’t be in a hurry to take profits & miss out the main juice. We all are here to earn & grow together so let’s stick to the plan & grow together.