Sir this is enough we have waited a long for the gameplay to start we had invested our hard earned money 1.5 years before and we bought it before many people came into the ecosystem we should get an additional benefit please understand CRYPTO COREY and team we support you the most whenever there is frusturation among community members we give them hope but we ourselves are losing hope please do something about this There are a few things you ought to tell us as a community member First you should be imformative towards the community we know you put all the information you get but then also something is always missing Second you should give us exact dates for the upcoming events and not be like always COMING SOON IN WEEKS etc.etc Third there are a few things only left like marketplace , crypto airdrop but if your team is working 24/7 this things should be done soon Fourth you should give an appropriate knowledge of the amount we may earn from our nfts only holding nfts will not provide us what we were here for Please bring up with the tokenomics and cryptopium , crypto token price so that there would be some relief among the people Fifth there is a very short scalability of the project but then also i believe the legacy of the project CAN YOU PLEASE TELL WHEN WILL YOU INCREASE THE SCALABILITY OF THE PROJECT Sixth according to my information there are only 5000 people in the community and still onxrp marketplace showing only about 2500 owners still 50% not claiming properly WE KNOW YOU ARE DOING EVERYTHING FROM YOUR SIDE BUT WHAT WE CAN DO OF PEOPLE WHICH COME IN TO TAKE PROFITS BUT CANT EVEN FOLLOW AS SIMPLE INSTRUCTIONS EVEN AFTER BEEN INFORMED ABOUT1000 TIMES At last I would say that please ensure the well being of the community members and start the gameplay earning this month as you said in weeks please sir this should be the end of the long wait and a last sugesstion there should be regular informative classes at least within a week Also it is a humble request BIG BROTHER please see something about this immediately and try to launch the game within 3-4 WEEKS AS YOU SAID THAT IS MAXIMUM DELAY SHOULD BE UPTO AUGUST please sir