I am here voluntarily helping my Indian people, so that, this game go long, but
Blaming Indian people by some people forced me to write these things.

Here everyone is blaming Indian people, but one thing I want to clear here is that the majority of people in CL are Indian.

What is the fault of Indians as they have believed in Americans who promote CL in the wrong way so that Indians get fooled easily.
Following are the points:
1) Promotion : Level 1 Land = 1 CRYPTO and So On..
In Actual: Level 1 Land = Net 0.18 CRYPTO

As Per Brother Corey, it was not said by CL and Wrongly Promoted by IX, who's fault here, we Indians? No way.....

2) Promotion: There will be "NO TAX on Land rent collection", So maximum Indians choose Land
In Actual: Land rent collection have Cost and Tax,

Who's fault here, we Indians? No Way......

3) it was never said, there will be XRP cost for game actions, if it was informed while making promotions, we might have done the calculation before investing, but nothing was told, who is at fault here, we Indians? No Way.........

4) it was never said, we need to pay the Membership fee at any time while doing the promotion, if informed during promotion, we might be calculated risk and rewards before investing, who's fault here, we Indians? No Way........

5) it was never said there will be a limit on withdrawal, who's fault here, we Indians? No Way........

6) We Indians are arguing for, why there is XRP cost?, why is there a Membership fee?
Americans say if you can't afford it, sell it on an open Market and leave it.
It's not about whether we can afford it or not, if we can't afford it, then why are we here ? We purchased it at a very high price and waited for a minimum of two years, whereas, information given to is, we have to wait only for two to three months to start earnings, who's fault here, we Indians? No Way......

Now you Americans will say, it was a MLM sale, yes I agree, but those who are here are the end users of MLM products not the leader of MLM. I don't think that any leader who sold NFT to us has invested in CL!!! So, as a user and as investors we don't care how MLM works, it's not our fault. We Indians invested a huge amount in this game with a high price, and still instead of any benefits of whitelist members, we still are suffering. Who's fault here, we Indians? No Way.......

Why are we not getting any benefits as Whitelist Purchaser? Anything happening, Americans make us reason for it every time, why? Is it only because we believe in Americans?

We Indians supported this game, we Indians invested in the game, it was our money which gave power to developers to do the development. If we did not invest, was it possible to hold developers for this long time, no way.....

Indians who invested in the game are not fools, Americans made us fool by promoting this game in the wrong way with wrong earnings and hiding major things like XRP Cost for game actions and about Membership.
We as whitelisted buyers, we are supposed to get some benefits. One thing I learnt in Crypto Space is that whitelists have major benefits, but in CL we are not getting benefits of whitelist buyers.

If any way Americans are feeling we Indians are damaging the CL and CL economy, I request these Americans, who are facing problems from Indians, please take NFTs from Indians with the amount which we have invested in.

We are here in CL to support the community and earn.
Here maximum Indians have zero knowledge of the Crypto Space, they invested only because some MLM leaders showed them big dreams and they also told them you don't need the knowledge, we will help you.
And these leaders who are part of the American Company left their hand, so, who's fault here? The American company promoted CL the wrong way, Indian leaders believed on American company for product and sold it to Indians for the benefits of Indians , but they did not understand they are growing American company, which is showing product with hiding key information and showing wrong presentation, who's fault here?