The CryptoLand Liquidity Pool is OPEN. You can perform Swaps and Deposits on the CryptoLand LP still. Nothing has changed on how Liquidity Pools operate.
DPG are your tickets to the circus. With that DGP you get to enter and walk around the circus. There are still rides and events to participate in within the circus. However, there isn't enough stuffed animals/rewards for everyone to walk away from the circus with. The trucks of toys/capital/liquidity has yet to arrive. BTC doubling in price proceeds the Altcoin Bull cycle. Therefore, we need to get our positions and accumulate all the Liquidity Pool Tokens before everyone else finds our secret hidden Kingdoms.
We must continue to Play the game and stake our pieces. These DGPs are your stakes/tickets in the game. The LP has to be built by the community that funds it. FOMO from outside investor capital will happen when we have a pool that is deep and appetizing to others. $500K LP is peasant money and will inspire HIGH RISK investors at this time. As you can tell they are a rare breed indeed.
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Mohammed Moinul Hoque
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